I gotta eat…

Because I depend on it.

Because my baby depends on it.

Because I produce the food for a human being.

Because I cannot afford to lose more weight than is healthy.

So, I gotta eat.

… whether I feel like it or not.

… whether I have a lot of appetite or not.

… whether I have the time and leisure for it or not.

… whether the food available is fully to my personal liking or not.

I gotta feed myself holistically. I have to constantly have my vision and understanding of God’s kingdom renewed – and my love for Christ. 

… whether I feel like it or not.

… whether I have a lot of appetite or not.

… whether I have the time and leisure for it or not.

… whether the food available is fully to my personal liking or not.

So, I gotta eat well.

Because I depend on it.

Because my neighbor depends on it.

Because I produce food for human beings (“Feed my lambs!” John 21; Matthews 14:16).

Because I cannot afford to experience weight loss of my trust in Christ and the character that comes from it. (… as king B. in Daniel 5:27).

I gotta eat. Well…